Delta Sigma

Each school that has APO on it hosts a different Chapter of the Fraternity. UConn is the home of the Delta Sigma Chapter. We are over 30 brothers strong this semester, with a pledge class of 10.

 Each Chapter has a different Constitution and By-Laws, all in accordance with the National Constitution and By-Laws. The following is some information about the Delta Sigma Chapter.

The Delta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega was chartered January 12th, 1947.


President- supervision of chapter & officers, corresponds with the national office

1st Vice President (Service)- coordinates chapter service projects

2nd Vice President (Membership/Pledgemaster)- educates pledges, and is in charge of maintaining membership within the chapter

Recording Secretary- keeps records of all meetings, and attendance

Treasurer- manages chapter accounts

Historian- writes a detailed history of  the chapter each semester, creates scrapbook

Sergeant-at-Arms- guards the portal, distributes ballots, keeps charge of chapter property and keeps order during meetings

Scouting Liaison- communicates with local chapters of BSA & GSA

Corresponding Secretary- keeps record of alumni, editor of APOANUC & in charge of and alumni event each year

**Parliamentarian- keeps tabs on Robert’s Rules of Order during meeting (this position is appointed by president and does not have a vote on E-board)


·        A brother that pays dues, obtains 20 service hours and misses 3 or less brotherhood meetings in a semester is considered an Active Brother.

·        A brother that announces during a semester that s/he will not be able to achieve the requirements of an active brother for any given semester will be Voluntarily Inactive until the brother wishes to become active again.

·        A brother that does not achieve the requirements of an active brother, yet does not announce inactivity to the brotherhood beforehand, will be Involuntarily Inactive and cannot return to active status in the brotherhood without a vote of the chapter.
