
By-Laws of the Delta Sigma Chapter

Alpha Phi Omega

Last Updated December 2001

Article I: Membership

Section 1

It shall be the aim of the Chapter to maintain active membership in keeping with the recommendation

of the National Fraternity for the number of students in The University of Connecticut.

Section 2

A permanent record of the active, honorary, and Alumni Members of the Chapter will be kept on file

in the archives of the Chapter. This record will include a personal history and permanent addresses

to be updated annually.

Section 3

Initiation of persons into Alpha Phi Omega, either as active or honorary, is subject to the approval

of the National Executive Board.

Section 4

For just cause and after due deliberation, a member may be suspended from the Chapter by an

affirmative three-fourths of the active members present at any regular meeting at which a quorum


Section 5

Chapter honorary membership without voting privileges may be conferred by unanimous vote of

the active membership at any regular meeting at which a quorum prevails, upon educators, Scouters,

outstanding citizens, and others whom the Chapter determines to have merited such honor. This

excludes undergraduate nonmembers.

Section 6

All rushees meeting standards set forth by the National Fraternity shall be invited to pledge.

Section 7

An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the active membership at any regularly called meeting in which

a quorum prevails will be necessary to accept pledges for initiations into active membership.


Article II: Officers

The officers of this Chapter will be President, two Vice-Presidents, Recording Secretary, Treasurer,

Historian, Sergeant-at-Arms, Alumni/Corresponding Secretary, and Scouting Liaison.

Article III: Duties of the Officers

Section 1: President

The President shall give supervision to the Chapter and its officers, and see that its constitutional

duties and obligations, national and local, are fulfilled. He/She shall preside at all meetings of the

Chapter, and the Executive Board Committee, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

He/She shall coordinate the functions of all Chapter offices and committees. He/She shall follow

the authorized procedure in appointing the regular committee chair and follow through in seeing

that the committee personnel are properly selected. They shall appoint any special committees

necessary for expediency in carrying out the program of the Chapter. They shall perform such

other duties as the office may require.


Section 2: Vice-Presidents

The First Vice-President shall be the person in charge of coordinating all Chapter projects, and the

work of the various service project chairs. They shall perform all presidential functions in the

absence of the President. They shall carry out such assignments as the President may proscribe.

The Second Vice-President shall act as Pledge Master, giving all the pledges the opportunity to

learn the fundamentals of Alpha Phi Omega and become imbued with the spirit of the Fraternity

before their initiation into active membership. They shall secure the necessary membership applications

from all new pledges and new members and forward them to the Recording Secretary.

Section 3: Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall keep accurate written records of all Chapter meetings, and of the

meetings of the Executive Committee. He/She shall keep an accurate written record of the attendance

of each member, and record the hours of service performed by each member, informing the

Executive Committee when any member becomes delinquent or inactive. He/She shall keep a

permanent file of the duplicates of each membership application, including charter members up to

subsequent members. He/She shall receive the necessary membership applications from all the new

pledges and new members from the Second Vice-President and forward them to the National

Executive Secretary. He/She shall perform such other duties as the President may proscribe.

Section 4: Treasurer

The Treasurer shall receive all moneys for the Chapter and keep an accurate record thereof. He/She

shall make all payments of the Chapter account upon proper authorization. He/She shall diligently

collect all membership dues and fees, pledge, and initiation payments made by each individual

member of the Chapter, either for the National Fraternity or for the Chapter, and give a written

receipt for all such funds. He/She shall transmit promptly the funds due to the National Fraternity,

either for pledge fees, membership fees, life membership fees, or supplies, and keep receipts on file

for such payments. He/She shall have the financial books of the Chapter properly audited at the

close of each academic year before turning over the duties of his/her office to a newly elected

Treasurer. He/She shall make reports on the condition of the Chapter treasury at all meetings.

He/She shall perform such duties as the President shall proscribe.


Section 5: Alumni/Corresponding Secretary

The Alumni/Corresponding Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the present addresses and

occupations of all Alumni Members of the Chapter. He/She shall enlist the support of the Alumni

Members in matters of program and membership of the Chapter. He/She shall work in cooperation

with other Chapters in arranging at least one major event each year in which the Chapter Alumni

will be especially invited and will have an honored position on the program. He/She shall plan ways

of rendering service, courtesies, and recognition to Alumni Members returning to campus for

special college functions. He/She shall be an ex-officio co-chair of the APOANUC Committee.

He/She shall endeavor to inform all Alumni about Chapter activities through the APOANUC.

He/She shall issue all Chapter notices and invitations; carry on all necessary correspondence with

the National Office, keep in close contact with other Chapters - especially "buddy" Chapters and

those which the Chapter has helped to form or reactivate. He/She shall also perform such other

duties as the office may require.

Section 6: Historian

The Historian will write a detailed and accurate history of the Chapter covering the period of his/her

office. He/She shall maintain a scrapbook containing photographs and newspaper clippings pertaining

to Chapter activities during his/her term in office. He/She shall make regular reports to the National

Fraternity for the editor of the Torch and Trefoil. He/She shall keep a permanent scouting record

and campus activity record of each member.

Section 7: Scouting Liaison

The Scouting Liaison shall communicate with the local chapter of the Boy Scouts of America and

the Girl Scouts of the United States of America in regards to assistance that the Chapter may give at

their various functions and activities. He/She shall work with representatives of the local councils

of the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of the United States of America. He/She shall

represent the Chapter at the appropriate council and district meetings. He/She shall perform other

such duties as the office may require.

Section 8: Sergeant-at-Arms

The Sergeant-at-Arms shall guard the portal and perform such disciplinary and parliamentary

procedures as are deemed necessary by the President. He/She shall distribute ballot sheets on

occasion when voting is done in writing; then upon the instructions of the presiding officer to

assemble the ballots and be in charge of counting. He/She shall be responsible for taking care of

Chapter equipment, such as initiation materials, flags, banners, the gavel, and other Chapter properties.

He/She shall perform all other such duties as required by the Chapter.


Section 9: Chair of the Advisory Committee

The Chair of the Advisory Committee shall call and preside at the meeting of the Advisory Committee.

These meetings shall be held at least three times a year for the purpose of discussing and making

suggestions for the Chapter program and administration. He/She shall make periodic reports to the

National Fraternity in writing as outlined in the requirements of the National Constitution and

By-Laws. He/She shall call and preside at special Chapter meetings at any time upon written

request of one-third of active members when it is not possible to secure a meeting through the

regular procedure as proscribed in the National Constitution and By-Laws. He/She shall preside at

any trials of misconduct of Chapter members. He/She shall attend meetings regularly and serve as

 advisor and counselor for the Chapter, including its members and officers, at all times. He/She

shall serve on the Executive Committee. Working with other Chapter advisors, he/She shall give

leadership in getting the program started at the beginning of the school year.

Section 10: Faculty Advisors

The Faculty Advisors shall encourage the development of high fraternal and scholastic standards.

They shall attend Chapter meetings as regularly as possible. They shall serve as members of the

Advisory Committee. They shall serve as personal advisors and counselors on Chapter matters at

all times. They shall serve as special advisors to the respective Chapter committees as assigned by

the Chair of the Advisory Committee. With the Chair of the Advisory Committee, they will give

leadership in getting the Chapter program started at the beginning of the school year.

Section 11: Scouting Advisor

The Scouting Advisor shall give counsel and advice to the Chapter regarding its Scouting relationships.

They shall encourage the development of high fraternal and scholastic standards. They shall attend

Chapter meetings as often as possible. They shall serve as members of the Advisory Committee,

and give assistance to the Chapter in planning and carrying out projects that are in the interests of

the Scouting movement, and the community at large. Working with the Faculty Advisors and other

Chapter advisors, they will give leadership in getting the Chapter program started at the beginning

of the school year.

Section 12: Community Service Advisors

Community Service Advisors are persons selected from the community to act as members of the

Advisory Committee. They shall encourage high fraternal and scholastic standards. They shall

attend Chapter meetings as regularly as possible. They shall assist the Chapter in planning and

carrying out projects which are to benefit the Storrs community and the surrounding area. Working

with other Chapter advisors, they shall give leadership in getting the Chapter program started at the

beginning of each school year.

Article IV: Elections and Appointments

Section 1: Nominations

Three weeks in advance of the scheduled semi-annual election meeting of the Chapter, the Brotherhood

will elect a Nominating Committee. Three Brothers, of good standing, will be elected to serve on

this committee. In doing so, these three Brothers give up their right to run for an office. Two

advisors will also serve on this committee, the Advisory Chair and another Advisor chosen by the

Brotherhood, although they will not have a vote. The Nominating Committee will make

recommendations to the Brotherhood on who they believe will be the best Brother for that office.

Two weeks prior to the scheduled semi-annual election meeting, nominations will be open to the

floor. One week before elections, the Nominating Committee will give their suggestions to the

Brotherhood. Nominations from the floor will be accepted through the night of elections.

Section 2: Voting

All elections shall be held by ballot and voting by proxy shall not be permitted.

Section 3: Appointments of the Committee Chairs

The President shall appoint as soon after election as possible, with the advice of the Executive

Committee and the Chapter officers, the chairs of the regular Chapter committees. The personnel of

the regular Chapter committee shall receive the consent of the Executive Board upon the

recommendation of the respective committee chairs and the President.

Section 4: Office Vacancies

The President will call special election meetings to fill permanent office vacancies within three

weeks notification of the vacancy.

Section 5: Presidential Appointment Power

The President shall have the power to appoint any active member to fill a vacant position until a

special election can be held to fill this vacancy. However, if the semester is half over, the President

shall have the power to appoint to the vacant office without special election. He/She shall also have

the power to appoint any active member to a nonelective position when needed.

Section 6: National Convention Delegates

This Chapter will elect two voting delegates and one alternate as required in the National By-Laws,

to each National Convention.

Section 7: Parliamentarian

The president shall appoint a Parliamentarian as soon after elections as possible, with the advice of

the Executive Committee. The Parliamentarian shall advise the President and Chairs as appropriate

in the interpretation of the Chapter Constitution, Bylaws and Policies, as well as Robert’s Rules of

Order. He/She shall serve at the pleasure of the President. The Parliamentarian may hold other

offices, and may succeed him- or herself indefinitely.

Article V: Meetings

Section 1

There shall be a regular meeting of the Chapter each week during the regular academic year,

excluding vacations. The regular meeting of the Chapter shall be held in such a place as the

Executive Committee may direct.

Section 2

The semi-annual election meetings must be held within a minimum of two weeks and a maximum

of four weeks remaining before the last day of regular classes.

Section 3

Special meetings of the Chapter may be called by the President of the Executive Committee on their

initiative or upon written request of one-third of the active membership of the Chapter. The

President shall call a special meeting of the Chapter to be held within fifteen days after the

presentation of such a request. In case the President does not comply with the request within the

required time, a request in writing of one-third of the active membership may be presented to the

Chair of the Advisory Committee, who shall call and preside over a special meeting of the Chapter

within fifteen days after the receipt of the request. A notice of all special meetings shall contain a

statement of purpose of the meeting or of special business to be transacted.

Section 4

A quorum at all regular meetings and special meetings of this Chapter shall be more than fifty

percent of the active Brothers. A quorum of all Executive Board meetings shall be more than fifty

percent of the membership of that committee.

Article VI: Executive Committee

Section 1: Membership

The Executive Committee of this Chapter shall consist of the elected officers as proscribed in

Article II and the Chair of the Advisory Board (who shall be a member without a vote). The

President shall serve as chair. The other faculty, Scouting, and community service advisors may be

given the opportunity to participate in discussion but shall not have voting privileges. Any Brother,

pledge, or other advisor may attend an Executive Board meeting.

Section 2: Meetings

The Executive Board shall meet monthly during the Fall and Spring semesters. Special meeting of

the Executive Committee may be held, subject to the call of the President, or upon written request of

a majority of the membership of the Executive Committee.

Section 3: Duties

Clause 1

The Executive Committee shall exercise all powers of the Chapter during the interval between

regular Chapter meetings, and are responsible to the Chapter for all such actions.

Clause 2

The Executive Committee is responsible for carrying out the resolutions, policies, and activities

voted by the Chapter, through regular channels, as indicated in the duties of the officers and the

committees of the Chapter.

Clause 3

The Executive Committee shall advise the President in the coordination of all Chapter functions.

Clause 4

The Executive Committee shall analyze the past projects of the Chapter, weighing their value and determine the advisability of continuance.

Clause 5

The Executive Committee shall analyze any particular problem pertaining to program or administration

and plan for their solution.


Clause 6

The Executive Committee shall, at regular intervals, check on the program and projects of the


Article VII: Advisory Committee

Section 1

The Faculty Advisors, Scouting Advisors, Community Service Advisors, and the Chapter President

shall constitute the Advisory Committee. The Chair of the Advisory Committee shall be elected by

majority vote to the Advisory Committee.


Section 2

The Advisory Committee shall meet at least three times a year for the purpose of discussing

program and administration and making suggestions to the Executive Committee and other committees.

Section 3

The Advisory Committee shall give leadership to getting the program of the Chapter started at the

beginning of the school year.

Article VIII: Chapter Committees

Section 1

Chairs shall be appointed each semester for the following committees by the Chapter President:

Fellowship, Social, Rush, Endowment, APOANUC, Publicity, and Policy. The Chapter President

shall also appoint any other committee chairs each semester. Each chair shall form a functional

committee of the Brotherhood to execute the committee’s responsibilities. That chair shall report to

the Executive Board. Each semester the Chapter president shall appoint the chairs.

Section 2: Fellowship Chair

To promote the spirit of the fellowship within the Chapter.

Section 3: Social Chair

 Coordinating the social activities of the Chapter.

Section 4: Endowment Chair

An Endowment Chair shall be appointed by the President to coordinate the Marvin H. Stocking

Fund for the Chapter.


Section 5: Policy Chair

A Policy Chair shall be appointed by the President. The chair will maintain a copy of the

Constitution, By-Laws, and Policies. The chair will be responsible for understanding their content,

updating all changes and holding review meetings every semester as necessary.


Section 6: APOANUC Co-chairs

The APOANUC committee shall have co-chairs. One chair shall be the Alumni/Corresponding

Secretary and the other shall be appointed by the President. The editors of the APOANUC shall

publish the Chapter newsletter according to the regular schedule. The Executive Committee will

approve the finances of the APOANUC. APOANUC stands for Alpha Phi Omega Alumni

Newsletter of The University of Connecticut.

Section 7: Publicity Chair

The Publicity Chair will coordinate recruitment of new members into pledgeship and work with the

Second Vice-President. The Publicity Chair shall also oversee a Publicity Committee whose main

purpose will be to maintain, for the Chapter, a high level of visibility on campus. The Publicity

Chair shall establish media contacts with Connecticut radio, television, newspaper services, and the

Office of Public Information on campus. The Publicity Officer shall provide articles about the

Chapter activities for the APOANUC, the Torch and Trefoil, the Sectional Newsletter, and the Daily

Campus. The Publicity Chair shall provide assistance for the APOANUC editor and the Historian.

The Publicity Chair shall establish and continually update the Chapter public relations manual.

Article IX: Dues, Fees and Assessments

Section 1

Each person becoming an active member shall be required to pay a National Membership Fee, of a

sum determined by the National Convention.

Section 2

The Chapter dues for active membership shall be an amount set each semester by the Brotherhood,

all of which must be paid by the tenth meeting of the semester.

Section 3

Assessments may be levied on the Chapter members by three-fourths of the voting membership.

All motions for assessments must be introduced in the previous meeting before they can be acted

upon. Consent of absent members must be given in writing.

Section 4

A statement of dues, fees and assessments shall be issued three weeks prior to the payment

deadline. Statements are issued monthly for accounts in arrears.


Article X: Amendments

The By-Laws may be amended in accordance with Article VII of the Constitution of the Delta

Sigma Chapter, Alpha Phi Omega.

Article XI: Chapter Funds

Section 1

a) The Chapter Savings Account shall be designated as a contingency fund, to be utilized as the

Chapter sees fit.

b) A sum will be budgeted for each National Convention. The use to be determined by Executive
